
[Google Scholar profile]

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Jyung M., Lee, S.-H.*,Choi, I.*(2024).Unraveling the Most Important Predictors of Eudaimonic and Hedonic Well-Being in Korean adults: A Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Happiness Studies. 25:85. *Corresponding authors

Zhou, J., West, T., Lee, S.-H., Choi, I., Hitokoto, H., Otake, K.,Fredrickson, B., & Savador, C. (2024). Do people from different cultures vary in how much positive emotions resonate in day-to-day social interactions? Examining the role of relational mobility. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 55(4), 347-367.

Lee, S.-H., Ku, X., Oh, H., Jung, Y., Chun, J., & Choi, I. (2024). Longitudinal associations between gut microbiome diversity and emotional well-being. Health Psychology. 43(5), 323–327. (selected as Editor’s choice)

Baek, J., Baldina, E., Sung, K., Lee, S.-H., Christakis, N., Bearman, P., Kim, H, Chu, S., Lee, E., Park, Y-R., Chey, J., Choi, Y-H., Lee, D., & Youm, Y. (2023). A prospective sociocentric study of two entire traditional Korean villages: The Korean Social Life, Health, and Aging Project. American Journal of Epidemiology, 193(2), 241-255.

Cho, Y., Shin, B., Lee, S.-H., Park, S., K, Y-K., Kim, J-J., & Kim, E. (2023). Altered Urine Microbiome in Male Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Microorganisms, 11(8), 2063.

Lee, S.-H., Cole, S., Sung, K., Kim, S., Choi, I., & Chey, J. (2023). Social network position and the Conserved Transcriptional Response to Adversity in older Koreans. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 155, 106342.

Ku, X., Lee, S.-H., & Choi, I. (2023). Did COVID-19 really change our well-being? It’s up to meaning in life: Evidence from two longitudinal studies. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12799.

Lee, S.-H., Lee, H-H. Sung, K., Youm, Y.& Kim, H. C. (2023). Association of group-level segregation with cardiovascular health in older adults: an analysis of data from the Korean Social Life, Health, and Aging Project. Epidemiology and Health, e2023041.

Lee, S.-H., Chey, J., Ahn, W-Y., Woo, C-W., Youm, Y., Kim., H., Oh, N., Park, H., Gim, S., Lee, E., & Choi, I. (2023). Psychological well-being and salivary markers of inflammation: The moderating effect of age. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 15(2), 466–478.

Eum, Y., Kim, H., Bak S., Lee, S.-H., Kim, J., Park, S., Hwang, S., & Oh, B. (2022). Factors related to the success of smoking cessation: A retrospective cohort study in Korea. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 20. https://doi:10.18332/tid/144272

Lee, S.-H., Cole, S., Park, J., & Choi, I. (2021). Loneliness and immune gene expression in Korean adults: The moderating effect of cultural orientation. Health Psychology, 40(10), 686.

Lee, S.S., Lee, S.-H., & Choi, I. (2021). Do art lovers lead happier and even healthier lives? Investigating the psychological and physical benefits of savoring art. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.

Kim, S., Kim H., Min, K., Lee, H, Lee, S.-H., Kim, S., Kim, J., & Oh, B. (2021). The relationship between smoking cigarettes and metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study with non-single residents of Seoul under 40 years old. PLoS ONE, 16(8), e0256257.

Lee, S.-H., Baldina, E., Lee, E., & Youm., Y. (2021). Social connectedness and hair cortisol in community-dwelling older adults. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 6, 100053.

Lee, S.-H., Yoon, S., Jung, Y., Kim, N., Min, U., Chun, J., & Choi, I. (2020). Emotional well-being and gut microbiome profiles by enterotype. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 20736.

Lee, S.-H.*, Choi, I.*, Choi, E., Lee, M., Kwon, Y., Oh, B., & Cole, S. (2020). Psychological well-being and gene expression in Korean adults: The role of age. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 120, 104785. * Corresponding authors

Lee, S.-H., Lee, J., & Choi, I. (2020). Life Satisfaction in Later Life: The Interplay of Marital Condition and Income among Elderly Koreans. Sustainability, 12 (8), 3483.

Lee, S.-H., Choi, I., Ahn, W-Y., Shin, E., Cho, S., & Oh, B. (2020). Estimating quality of life with biomarkers among older Korean adults: A machine-learning approach. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 87, 103966.

Min, K., Oh, YH., Kim, SW., Kim HJ., Lee, H., Lee, S.-H., Kim, S., Lee, JS., Kim, JS., & Oh, B. (2020). Physical activity patterns and their associated factors measured by global physical activity questionnaire survey among Korean. Korean J Sports Med., 2020 Mar; 38(1):1-11.

Jabeen, S., Pinsonneault, J., Sadee, W., Lee, S.-H., Zafar, M., Raja, G., ., & Raja, G. K. (2019). Significant association of DRD2 enhancer variant rs12364283 with heroin addiction in a Pakistani population. Annals of Human Genetics, 85(5), 367-372.

Lee, S-H.*, Ahn, W-Y., Seweryn, M., & Sadee, W. (2018). Combined genetic influence of the nicotinic receptor gene cluster CHRNA5/A3/B4 on nicotine dependence. BMC Genomics, 19, 1-11. *Corresponding author

Barrie, E, Lee, S.-H., Frater, J., Kataki, M., Scharre, D., & Sadee, W. (2018). Alpha-synuclein mRNA isoform formation and translation affected by polymorphism in human SNCA 3’UTR. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 6(4): 565–574.

Barrie, E.*, Hartmann, K.*, Lee, S-H.*, Frater, J., Seweryn, M., Wang, D., ., & Sadee, W. (2017). The CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 Nicotinic Receptor Regulome: Genomic Architecture, Regulatory Variants, and Clinical Associations. Human Mutation, 38(1):112-119. *Co-first authors

Ahn, W.-Y., Vasilev, G., Lee, S.-H., Busemeyer, J. R., Kruschke, J. K., Bechara A., & Vassileva, J. (2014). Decision-making in stimulant and opiate addicts in protracted abstinence: evidence from computational modeling with pure users. Frontiers in Psychology, 5,849.

Lee, S.-H., Raboune, S., Walker, J. M., & Bradshaw, H. B. (2010). Distribution of endogenous farnesyl pyrophosphate and four species of lysophosphatidic acid in rodent brain. International journal of molecular sciences, 11(10), 3965-3976.

Bradshaw, H. B., Lee, S.-H., & McHugh, D. (2009). Orphan endogenous lipids and orphan GPCRs: a good match. Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators, 89(3-4), 131-134.

Academic Book Chapter

Lee, S.-H., Kwak, S. (2023). Chapter 4 - Genomics of Cognitive Aging in Social Isolation. Society within the Brain: How Social Networks Interact with Our Brain, Behavior and Health as We Age. Chey, J. (Ed.). Cambridge University. pp 105-116.

Lee, S.-H., (2023). Chapter 7 – Psychoneuroimmunology Linking Social Isolation. Society within the Brain: How Social Networks Interact with Our Brain, Behavior and Health as We Age. Chey, J. (Ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp 162-174.

Lee, S.-H., Barrie E., Sadee, W., & Smith, R. (2019). Chapter 43 - Nicotine Dependence and the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 Nicotinic Receptor Regulome. The Neuroscience of Nicotine: Mechanisms and Treatment. Elsevier. pp 347-353.

Others (co-authored books in Korean)

  1. 서울대학교 행복연구센터 저 “About H 대한민국 행복 리포트 2019”, 21세기북스 (발행일: 2019년 4월 15일, ISBN: 9788950980702)
  2. 서울대학교 행복연구센터 저 “대한민국 행복지도 2022: 코로나 19 특집호 2”, 21세기북스 (발행일 2022년 4월 13일, ISBN: 9788950900410)
  3. 서울대학교 행복연구센터 저 “대한민국 행복지도 2023”, 21세기북스 (발행일 2023년 4월25일, ISBN: 9788950949280)